Southwest Pacific

August 29, 1943

Sgt. A.C. Meredith 13032567

432nd Fighter Squadron

475th Fighter Group

A.P.O. 503 – Unit 1

c/o Postmaster San Francisco Calif.

Dear Mom, Dad & Marie,

            From the looks of thing I am a bit behind in my letters to you, so I make haste to catch up.

            Congratulations to Dad on his promotion. Can hardly wait to see those captain bars.

            I was very glad to hear that Frank stood for Frances C.’s baby.

            Wrote Kitty Craven a letter yesterday and I sent best regards to all her family. She has written quite often. Nice letters too.

            Today is Sunday and I went to Holy Communion. We have a very nice Chaplain in this Group. In the other Group we did not have a Catholic Chaplain and had to depend on the visiting Chaplains. But we almost always made it to church. But now that we have our Chaplain we are sure to have Mass each day as well as Sunday.

            I have been very well lately but have been feeling the heat considerably. I have a beautiful tan, of which I am quite proud.

            To date I have had no chance to take any photos but will soon, as the film (2 rolls) reached me. Just as soon as they can be censored I will speed them on to you. Takes quite a while to have this done, as the film must be developed by army channels.

            I was sorry to hear the Eddie had been hurt and also Franklin. Hope that both will soon be O.K. again.

Oh yes! I had a swell letter from Jim Clark. He’s still the same old Jim. Also a nice letter from Butler but you didn’t tell me that he had lost his mother. At any rate I never received that letter if you did. He sent pictures of the gang at the Express office.

Rudy still is on the job and I wonder at this since the army has taken so many married fellows. Please don’t mention it to Butler but I heard from a source in Fredericksburg that Rudy was stepping out on Edith. Hope it’s just a rumor, as I hate to hear such things. So just forget it and one of these days everything will either come to the surface of everything will be O.K. Rumors are vile things, believe me.

            Guess its time to close as the news is about out, so write when you can and you won’t have to send any razor blades for a while. My present supply will last quite a while. But send some films if you can.

                                                My love to you all,
