Sept. 1, 1944

Hello Mom and Pop,

            I just finished a letter to Alice and Tiny. I started it last night but darkness caused me to quit before I finished the first page. Yesterday I got paid again so I got another money order and am sending you another fifty dollars to put in a Bank. I drew a nice pay this month close to a hundred. To be exact I got $94.02. The reason I am not sending more home is that I wanted to keep some of it in case I get to go to Rest Camp back at Rome.

            The other night we got out Beer ration. We got one bottle of coke, the first I had since May, and twelve cans of Beer. It only cost us a dollar for all of it. I would have liked to have had some ice to cool it but I didn’t. I still have five or six cans left. I am trying to make it last awhile.

            How is everything coming along back home? Is everything okay on Betty place. In a few days all the children will be going back to school again for another year. I bet Dorothy and Betty will be missing them. In the next package you send me will you send me some stuffed olives or small cans of sardines or things like that. That way you don’t have to send me any personal things.

            Mom, have you or Pop seen any shows lately? Mom when are you going to visit Alice and Tiny? I have been getting quite a bit of mail from them here of late.

            Oh yes! Yesterday afternoon after we had been paid two nuns came around in our area asking for aid. They had a note written in English and on it they made their request. They came around at a good time and I guess they did pretty good. I gave them a little too.

            I seen more Nuns around this area than any other place I have been here in Italy except Rome. They just called chow so there will be a pause till I get through eating. Pardon me while I go over and eat.        

                                                                                                               Sept. 2, 1944

            Mom I didn’t get to finish this letter yesterday evening after supper so I will try and finish it today. Have you been getting much mail from Paul? He has been writing once or twice a week. I can’t think of much to say so I will close for now.
