January 8, 1944


Hi Honey,                           


            I was sitting here looking at some pictures I have of you so I thought I would drop you a line. You know, I have come to the conclusion that you are a very lazy girl because you are always sitting down.

            Last night I was thinking of that last night I saw you and we damned froze.  What a couple of simple guys we were.  It was really worth it though because I like the way you make love.  You have a way about you that would drive a guy nuts in a while.  It is a nice way of going crazy though. 

            Do you remember the letter you wrote me last spring saying you would meet me in New York. I still have that letter around here someplace and am going to keep it for a rain check.  That letter finally reached me when I was stuck on one of these damned islands. When I got that letter I sat down and cried because if it had only been mailed one day earlier I could have seen you for a whole week. 

            A week with you really would have been a dream to bring you over here with me.  It has been over a year since I saw you last but I can still remember that last night so what would a week of that alone to me.  No doubt I would have been a little over leave to get more of that loving. We could have cruised around in the day time, I could have got plastered in the evening and we could have made love all night.   

            Have you been having any more parties lately?  I wish you would tell me a little more about your activities when you write.  Every letter I get just gives me a hint at what you are doing.  My greatest worry is that some sailor is going to grab you before I get back.  How do you make out with those guys? 

            We hear some good and some bad rumors from the states and don’t know whether to believe them or not. We hear that everyone is going nuts with young girls going out with old men and young guys taking out old ladies.  It doesn’t seem like that could happen but it could be.  Are the men getting so scarce as they say they are?

            I guess I told you where I have been lately so there isn’t any sense telling that.  It is hard to tell where we will be going next but I am saving some money just in case.  Truthfully though, I don’t expect to get back to the states for a year or so yet.  They can keep me out of the states if they want but they had better send me some place where I can see a white girl and get a little loving or they will have a maniac on their hands. I never thought I would miss women but I do.

            When and if I ever do get to the states I am going to get a guard to see that I don’t get married.  The first women I see I will probably propose to.  That would be OK if you were the first one I saw but otherwise no. 

            That’s all for now but write soon.

            How old are you now?  Please answer.


