July 3, 1944
                        Dearest Clara,

            I am well dear, but I can’t exactly say I am happy. I haven’t had anything to keep me busy, except for writing and that is necessary to my knowledge, don’t you believe. I sure was glad to get your letter and hope you got some from me. As usual it is raining but cool. Tell Mom and Pop hello! for me honey, and I hope they have received my letters. I have to get busy and write to your Mother again. I answered her last one. Darling how long does it take for a v-mail to reach you from here? The one I got today took thirteen days, but it could have been in the post office for a day or two before it was sorted. Some of the fellows has received them in six days. That is very good isn’t it dear? I will close. Be careful and so will I.

Rt. John R. Sankey                                                                             With all my love and kisses

                                                                                                            To my dear wife Clara

                                                                                                            Your Husband Johnny