Sept 23, 1942

10 pm



My dearest Jerry:                                                                                 

Today we really hit normal life in our new store. John Eye, you remember him, he is head of delivery, well he got gas by taking 6 of us of in his car everyday. We leave Mamaroneck at 8:36 and arrive there at 9:45 am. I had the usual routine morning and at lunchtime, I took a walk through the Town. Jerry in two blocks there were six liquor stores, everyone had customers in too. I have picked out the one I will patronize. Appa Jack 1.95 qt. I’m going to stock up a little at a time and really have a selection. That was something we planned. This afternoon I picked up the phone and P Le B was talking to Miss Saunders so I had to sit with my hand over the mouthpiece and chase Louise out to the board and have my line cleared. Imagine if he knew someone was in on that conversation. Miss Fanning, my Irish friend, sold the first fur coat for this store and that soared our figures for the day beautifully. Tonight, at 6:00 pm we all for into Johnnie’s car and rode in style to Mamaroneck and I was home at 6:20 pm. We ride all week for $1 each which is $1.20 less than the R.R. and $2.20 less than the bus. Ohh I must tell you about my little talk to Uncle John Hanson. Well on Monday, I thought I would go in and see the dear sweet boy, but I got down in the cellar and fixed up a lot of things I have accumulated in the past several years just in case I take an apt.up here, so I didn’t get to N.Y., and on Tuesday I was wondering would I call him or write a note, when the telephone on my desk rang and it was he asking for Miss Saunders from whom he has been disconnected. He wanted to know who he was speaking to and I told him and he started in by inquiring about my health. I then informed him I had been contemplating a visit to his office the day before and asked when I might come in and get the answer next Monday. I told him I didn’t want him to forget me and leave me out in the woods. Then he asked if I went to my meetings regularly in J. city. It seems he got mobbed when he visited j. city as to where they had shipped me. Then he re-assured me he has not forgotten me by a long shot so I’m going in Monday to make sure. I am very sorry to hear about Mrs. Gortz and I will write to Threasa and extend my sympathy.

            Mrs. Taylor wrote to me and Mr. T. I believe is going to quit if he doesn’t get some satisfaction; from N.Y. also the climate doesn’t agree with him. Pattingell was over tonight and she is back working in the N.Y. store. She can’t make up her mind as to whether she likes it or not.

            We had the whole gang Sunday, Bob O’Briens, the Shanley’s and Shanley to be and at 10 pm I just about collapsed. Everyone asked for you and the O.B’s want to see us on your next visit as do the Shanley’s but pay no attention to them just come and see me.

            Well my darling your telephone call was…but it’s always so short so drop me a line too and make the time seem shorter.

            I’m praying with you to


For us



P.S. Money order enclosed.