Friday 12 a.m

                                                March 25, 1944

My darling,

            I didn’t write last night because I did a big viewing and was dead tired and I didn’t want to write a scribbled note. But here again to write I am in a similar situation so I could put it off another day—if I wanted to.

            So the 122nd left! Yes, I have been praying hard. I know it is inevitable that you will leave one of these days but the longer it is prolonged, the better.

            Of course love can cure physical ailments simply because your mind is projected and another such relieving pressure on that nerve.

            We had only a couple of nights of rain but the drifts were about a foot in places. They didn’t last  long so it has been quite nice all week. I’ve hung my wash out nearly every day.

            I love you my darling. I am glad I am married to you too. You’ve made me very happy. I think the perk in being happy is the reality that everytime we are together may be the last. If you look at it like that you can forgive quick when I say an unkind word. I couldn’t bear to have you leave me knowing we were angry or that there was a misunderstanding.

            It’s funny about your ring. It serves right, Thursday I didn’t feel so good.

            I guess I did fall asleep because you being near me was a comfort.

            No I don’t think that place is too large for us. I wish you could see it but I guess you can ask the Sgt . You didn’t say anything about cooking articles or blankets  or curtains or the water level. Find out about these and if everything is satisfactory you had best see what you can do about holding it. I aimed out all you can from him about experience and if they were satisfied. There are many things which should be ready when we get there like toliet paper, soap, coffee, bread, oranges, etc. What do I do about that? Maybe you could manage to get some things. Let me know so I can plan a little better. The more you can help me out with these the leass I’ll have to pack. I can read 30 the R.R. Express for .84$

            I have another pin up girl for you. I don’t know about the negative to that other one yet.

            Honey- I’m not worrying so much about cooking. It’s given a matter of having supplies. It’ll be hard to get stuff as I’ll either have to take the baby or leave it alone. That’s why I thought maybe you could lay in a supply just before you come home. You dope it out honey.

            The baby is awfully cut and pretty good. He’s growing to be a little mischeif. There’s nothing new in his development except his little hairs and he laughs out loud, and his eyes look bluer every day.

            I hope all is weel with you. I dreamed last nite that you told me you were leaving me for someone else. I guess I ate too much before I went to bed.

            Well, here it is, my eyes are practically closed so I think I should go to bed.

            Good night darling. I love you with all my heart.


Your wife,
