Monday, 2000

Aug. 7, 1944

My dearest Maggie,

                This will probably be the last letter you will get mailed to Tiffin, that’s if I know my mail. I’ll be writing to you in Pa.

                I am still so lonesome for you my dear. I can hardly wait until I can see you again. I love you so darn much. I had some very shocking news for you today and I am in the blues again. Today one our boys went to the hospital with the mumps. When I heard that, my heart sank to the floor. We will probably be in here for 21 days. I always seem to get the breaks that way. Everything happens to me. Then some people wonder why a guy gets fed up with this life. They want you to cheer up, but how can you.

                You are wrong about that 12.50. I told you about. I never did take out a bond. I told them I would take out a 7.50 bond but they forgot about it so I said they forgot about it, but some way or another they got things mixed up and I was short 12.50.

                Yes honey, Eisenbuy is down here. I thought you knew he came down here. He has his wife in Clarksville, and he says he has a pretty nice place. He intends to send her home about the end of August.

                Tomorrow and for the rest of the week we are going to be awfully busy. We are going out on the rifle range for the next four days. We have to get up at 4:30, and the days are darn long. I don’t have to do any shooting tomorrow but on Wednesday, and probably Friday.

                There isn’t much I have to say for tonight. I always have to write a few lines to you when you are on my mind. I love you Maggie.

                Hope you have a nice trip.

All my love,
