Tuesday, 2145

Sept. 12, 1944

My dearest wife:

Today was my lonesome and blue day, because I didn’t hear from you. On days like this it seems like they will never end. I love you my dear.

                I had a card from Jack today. He is now a 2nd Lt. He is now going through a four week course on equipment, but he doesn’t know where he is going from there. Betty and the baby are still with him, (lucky guy) and say he gets in every night.

Today I had a salvage day, and I was kept pretty bust most of the day. I had one call to pick up two to three truck loads of camouflage nets. We loaded one truck and took it back to our shaft. And found that day they didn’t belong to us. They were for the 417th armored field artillery B. So we had to take them back.  It’s good they had some “P.W.’s” there. They had some Germans that came from Normandy. They still think they are winning the war, they are pro-Nazi. They seem to like Hitler. What can you do with people like that? I think they are going to have a hard time with them over there. There aren’t enough good Germans out there anymore. We have a new boy in our company that has only been over here five years. He was in Austria, and he was in a concentration camp but he paid a couple hundred dollars and they let him out. He knows how things are over there.

 While I was taking a shower tonight I just realized how much I love you and miss you. I was thinking how much I enjoyed giving you a bath, and washing your face. I honestly enjoyed it. I guess I could be a good help to you now because you can’t stoop so good. I hope someday I can do the same again. Then again maybe you don’t like it. Do you? I like to touch your skin, all you always look different when you have your bath, so clean looking and as fresh as a daisy.

Eisenlrey went to the hospital this afternoon. He is going in for his pilers. He said they weren’t so busy in the hospital and they may keep him there about three weeks. And by the way did you ever do anything about yours. I wish you would listen to me if just for one time.  You never did have your teeth filed, I know, I guess you are two busy, and have things more important. I won’t mention it again honey I guess I get on your nerves.  You do worry me.

Mommie, what happened to all the pictures I had of you and the baby? I like that special one; I also need some more of you. I am going crazy not knowing how you look anymore. I love you so terribly much sweetie. You have stolen my heart.

Goodnight my sweet. I am going to dream of you now.

                                                                                                                All my love,


P.s I really truly love YOU.