Monday October 2, 1944

Dearest Maggie:

            We are still in our same location outside of Gallitin and we expect to leave sometime tomorrow. I believe we are going to Lebanon. Nothing of importance happened today so I really don’t know what to write about.

            It was a beautiful day again today if you washed it must have been a good wash day. The sun was so hot. We need some good days down here to dry out this ground. Our trucks aren’t much good in mud. We had a couple stuck the Saturday night we moved in this field. The dew is awful heavy down here. The heaviest I ever saw it I believe. The grass is so tall and before you know it your feet are wet. They finally dry out during the day. I slept fairly well for the first time since I am out in the field again, last night and I was really warm in the morning. I would like to have you out in a tent some time, but I don’t think you would like it very well, especially being so close on the ground. Maybe about two or three years ago you wouldn’t have minded it. It really isn’t too bad as long as you have something to lay down before you put your cover down.

            I took my first bath yesterday, one of those G.I baths out of a helmet, some fun. I wash and shave every day yet. I try to keep as clean as I possibly can, and it’s pretty hard to keep clean out here.

            I miss you more than ever, and love you twice as much.

            See honey I really am stumped for writing tonight. I just can’t seem to think of anything to write about.

            How is the baby coming along?

            I guess you are getting tired of me asking, but I do like to know because I think about him so much. He will be a nice boy for you when he grows up, and he is growing fast now. Tell him I am asking about him

            My heart is still with you.

