My Dearest Husband, Preston,                                                                                             October 4, 1944

                Not having heard from you for a few days, I take it you have moved-somewhere in the USA. It’s awfully lonesome without you-as you ever know.

                What a day! What a day! It began with Allen at 3:30 this morning. That was the last sleep I had. I got him up for Ally at seven, washed diapers, curtains, rugs, I dried all my bedding and his and started house cleaning. I have my room all done. Tomorrow I must iron my curtains etc and help mother with her room. Tonight I gave Allen a bath and it’s now 10:30 and I am ready to pile in our bed for it’ll soon be time to grab my socks---again.

                Yesterday I ironed and Monday I washed. Allen has been terribly cross today and yesterday. He’s having a terrible time getting his uppers. 0Has had diarrhea and runny nose and I swear I’m going to tie a sponge on him. He weighs 23.5 pounds and is 29 inches tall—2.5 feet. That’s one-half of me! You’d love the way he handles himself—so lively and devilish. Takes more spills than Humpty Dumpty. All day long he only slept one hour—since 7 this a.m.; mind you! I have the buggy beside the piano and when he wakes up he plays it so I know wherever I am that he is awake.

                As I said before I’m lonesome for you and I love you. Do you too? I guess that’s a silly question. I seem at a standstill physically. Guess I work the fat off.

                I enjoyed Mrs. Shiffington very, much, honey, as you said I would.

                Dad’s denounce came up Monday. Keith is being shipped out Nov.1 so watch for developments.

                What I wouldn’t give to have you with me- or be with you. Remember always I love you and am missing you. Goodnite, Pres.

                                                                                                                                All my love—M.

P.S. I love you.