
Oct. 14 1944

My dearest wife:

            There isn’t really very much I have to say tonight. I haven’t done a thing all day except go to town with a truck load of boys and took a shower at the high school. It was dirtiest school I ever saw. I know the schools I went to were never like that. I did take a shower but some of the others wouldn’t. The water was almost cold and I could only stay in it a few minutes. I sure wish I could be home now for you to give me a good working over. Boy how I would love to have my back washed good again.

            Maggie I love you so much, I can’t sleep at night anymore. I am going crazy without you. My ring has been so shiny lately, does it mean anything? I ache all over inside for you dearest.

            Tomorrow morning we leave for Campbell, but not to camp. We still have another week to serve on bivouac outside the camp. It doesn’t seem like we will ever get back to those barracks again, on to you. It wouldn’t be much good for you to come down while I am out like this. We might be back to settle down soon again. But who knows for how long. I won’t need those films now honey because we are leaving here. I’ll probably send you the camera back the first chance I get. Thanks for trying anyway.

            Well I guess I havent anymore to say tonight my dearest, but I do hope that I’ll be seeing you very soon now.

            I love you with all my heart Maggie.

Love, Preston