
Oct. 23, 1944

My dearest wife:

                Gee honey, you have me sweating it out. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think we are going to leave not until the first of the month or maybe later. I’m not sure now but that’s what seems to be in the air. I think I’ll take a chance and have you come down if only for a few days. If I don’t get to see you soon it may be a long time before I get to see you and I think we could be together the 31st. The captain told me today if orders come in late this week is it going to hold it off until the 1st at least, because of pay day and the reports that have to go in the last of the month. You’ll be getting another phone call from me very soon, before you get this letter. Ah Maggie I can’t go much longer without seeing you. You must know how lonesome I feel for you. Honey I have so much love for you, my heart is overflowing. Oh dear, I don’t know what to say, I can’t describe the way I feel tonight. You know tho because you must be able to feel it.

                I have been awfully busy today. I am having things packed so I’ll be more ready when the time comes to move. I’ll be a little ahead of the game.

                I just can’t seem to write anymore tonight. All I can think of is love, love, love. Did you ever get this feeling.

Ah sweetheart I love you so.

Please hurry to me.

All my love

Your very lonesome husband
