Election Night ‘44

(November 7, 1944)

My dearest husband-

            Well-this is the big day-for the Democrats I guess. It’s awfully close but I guess Dewey will never make it.

            Last week at this time we were together, I can never tell you how much that meant to me to know you were but two blocks away and that I could see you after. You didn’t cause me any worry-only a little unhappiness because I wasn’t making you happy. We both got too excited over nothing though. It was just the idea that we couldn’t put enough love that we feel in such a short time. So many things you want to say and do and time is so short. I never said you were greedy of that you never give but always take. I do say though that you are too hasty in forming opinions sometimes. I was tired etc. You just don’t understand because we aren’t together enough. Now understand I’m not blaming you for I am confident everything will be better when we can be together for good. I came down because I needed you- that still goes. Shucks, I love you.

            I’m surprised that Fort Knox is dirty. Is it dirty or just old? I suppose I would like it- as long as you were there too.

            Does Rick have his wife with him or did she go home for some?

            Allen walked an awful lot today. His sixth tooth is causing him an awful lot of trouble. He only gets a bottle now at 10 & 6, the rest of the time, he drinks plain milk. He weighs 26 + pounds and is a good inch taller. Twice today he pulled the phone down on the floor. I took him for a walk this afternoon.  It turned cold- 29 degrees, but is warming up again.

            I blew out the lights again today. This time I was ironing and there was a hay wire in the plug. When I pulled the plug out, the fire came too.

            Darling that was a nice weekend in Nashville. I’ll never forget it. I guess I talked a leg off from you, didn’t I? I was so good to be able to wake up and hear and see you beside me. Also, it makes me feel good to see you relax when I am with you. I never thought I’d be able to do that for anyone.

            Allen just came down stairs. He can’t breathe so I guess he really has a cold this time.

            I will write your Mother tomorrow for sure. I am really ashamed. Please put a good word for me next time you write. Guess I told you Dot had a new diamond-very small.

            I love you Preston. And I miss you so terribly. I need you so. Please try not to worry too much but take it easy for I’ll always love you.

            You are very darling-you are my big, strong handsome husband. Stop right now and close your eyes again honey and I will kiss you.

            Goodnight sweetheart.

                        All my love,
