Thursday, 930 pm


Nov. 30, 1944

Dearest Marguerite:

                One more day just about gone by, and one day nearer to you. I am just living for the day I can come home to you and the kids. I too wish we could have had more time together when we were younger, but that is to be forgotten. Every day we get older and we are still apart. I haven’t had enough fun with you yet, there were so many things I wanted to do with you, but as the days go by, and our little family, all that has to be changed now. We have to settle down and be a mother and father. I’ll be ready to settle down after I get out of this. The army really ages man quick. I can take notice now that I am getting older. It turned cold here, and I can hardly take it anymore. If it keeps up I’ll have to start wearing my long underwear. I have never worn them since I am in the army, but they say there is always a first time. I sometimes wish we wouldn’t have any children, just you and I, but then you probably wouldn’t be very happy. It isn’t very nice to have children when you can’t be with them, and bring them up the way you want, but this is war, and we are not the only persons in the same fix. I’ll be so thankful the day I can come home because I love you and want to be with you, but that doesn’t relieve my lonesomeness for you.  

                So the telephone strikes are over? Did they get what they were striking for?

                Were you hinting for me to send you the money for your phone bill? You mentioned it twice. Or was it that you were just letting me know?

                Boy, I sure would enjoy a drink or so, mostly so. I haven’t had one for a long time. I think that’s what makes me so low sometimes. If we ever get anytime off over a weekend I think I’ll go to Louisville, I haven’t been off the post yet, but it gets very boring hanging around day after day. I really think I am getting bored with myself.

                In two weeks the baby will be 11 months already. Times sure seem to be flying right along. He will probably be starting school by the time I get back. I hope he is as smart as you are. Be sure and make him study.

                I believe I will go to bed now. I am awfully tired tonight again. I’ll see you in my dreams.

                                All my love,
