April 16, 1945

Mon. Midnite

My dearest husband:

                My midnight rendezvous! It seems that is the only time of the day we have together anymore.

                I received 33-4-5 today, all nice letters. Your letters are improving.

                We’ve always had always had fun together – even though we quarreled some. They say a marriage isn’t successful unless you have a few quarrels here and there for that is the way you increase your intelligence and knowledge of each other or something. Anyhow it shows you are alive. It’s one thing you must try to understand about me if it takes you forever. I have an almost ungovernable temper; I try to keep it under control. Also that I am lonely, perhaps by my own choosing, but lonely nevertheless. It isn’t that I want my own way but as you say, I think too much. I get to wondering about things and hating life because it is so dull and ugly sometimes. You must come to understand; not that I am so unusual from other women but I let little things bother me. Maybe it’ll be different when you’re home for good.

                Darling, please don’t worry about the children liking you. You know it will be very difficult at first for us all but they are bound to love you. They’re too little to realize what it all means and I’m not one for teaching them to say ‘daddy,” to a picture, although I am teaching Allen that there is a daddy and a grandpa. I get out your blouse you left here and show him the buttons and stripes and tell him it is your coat and that you are a soldier far away in the Army and stuff like that. He doesn’t understand yet but he will someday. So don’t worry as the song goes – “we are not divided, all one body we.”

                Allen burned the palm of his hand by putting it on the bathroom heaters. He screamed in pain for an hour so I gave him an aspirin and bandaged it with some stuff from the first aid box. He still remembers. He had shots for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, all in one, 4 times.

                The doctor doctor’s bill wasn’t bad but it would have been if I’d stayed 14 days in the hospital.

                Yes, I did weight 118 but – hold your hat – I am back to 132 and I look as if I had another (of course I don’t though). I am beginning to worry and will go see the doctor this week. Please don’t worry now as it’s probably merely fat. I think I’ll turn myself in as fat in as fat salvage as my part in the war effort. Other than that I look good – pouch.

                Yes Allen is getting teeth right along, he has two more front lowers and is now getting his molars. He says “hi,” “bye,” “bad,” and tries to say some others.

                I’m glad you have such a nice “room.” I’ll see what I can dig up. The picture business isn’t so bad as we are unable to get film anymore.

                Your letter was unusually long so I think I will leave you on the second page as I have washed and ironed today. Oh yes – I also got a new permanent.

                So goodnite my dearest until tomorrow. All my thoughts are of you and all my dreams and—

                                                                                                All my love,


P.S. I love you so terribly!

P. S. S. I won’t forget Mother on Mother’s Day and will wire her some flowers.