April 3, 1941


Dear Pauline –

            There’s been some changes made and I don’t mean that song of the same name. In the first place, my name at the plant has been changed to Sevastenok, by the company’s request – so from now on address your letters as such. It’s a good thing I had that affidavit, concerning my birth record as it simplified matters to a great extent – it was necessary for me to produce it when I went to the following places – social security office union hall and the compensation office.  The only miscue I made was when I filled out the draft questionnaire; I printed my right name on the wrong line.  I explained the matter to the chief clerk at my Broad Number.  She tells me the record has already gone into Washington D. C. and is on file as Savastone. If I should pass the physical examination and am inducted, the mistake will be rectified, so in the meantime I have to wait till I receive notice to appear for an examination. I must appear at the designated day without fail. That means I can’t make the visit home at the present time.

             I am certainly glad I have this name situation straightened out. Now I know how I stand – what about you?  Mary and Luke – what do you three plan to do? You know your birth record is not right. You just may as well get it in your head to get it fixed now, you’ll have to eventually and maybe with some difficulties – here’s my suggestion; tell Mary and Luke to write to Harrisburg for their birth records right away when they receive same, check record for names, dates, and such if they don’t correspond, then you three will have to go to see that Notary Public woman that made out my birth affidavit and explain the circumstances. If the name Savastone appears on any document or any other important papers such as marriage licenses, insurance policies and others, it must be corrected; in some cases it will even take a court order to change it to the right name.   You better attend to this business right away while mother is in the position to help you out, as you know she’ll have to be present when you appear at the notary public.  So don’t delay.

            The idea I’m trying to get across is whether you change your name, at your place of employment or on any other papers at the present time may not matter much now.  But the point is get your birth records straightened out so when the time comes to produce it, you will have it.  Savvy.

            I suppose you heard about the big Ford strike. Chances your paper don’t carry all the details, so I’m sending you some pictures of the strike.  There’s plenty of excitement as you will see from some of the pictures; will send more as the strike progresses. 

            My shop steward did picket duty the other day and he almost got killed.  I am supposed to go and do picket duty too.  If I go, I’m going where it’s safe.

            I’ve been playing my draft number and quit the other day and the damn thing pops up today-91037-the last four numbers pays thirty dollars for a penny can you imagine that, such luck.  Well so long; I’ll be writing you – best wishes to all –


Your Bro,
