Dear Mom,

            Have you received my pictures yet? I sent them first class mail, so I hope they will be along soon.

            Your Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 letters came the other day. I only get one or two letters a week now. And, patience, I assume now, is a very precious thing (even though mine is limited, sorry to say!!)

            That’s too bad about your missing upper teeth. I hope Dr. Young fixed [it] all-right for you – especially so that it is comfortable.

            Well I wonder how Gertrude feels about Pitt now that so many 4-F’s and kids are coming in. I bet she wishes some of the men that used to make it really “co-ed” were back there now. (Even if I would rather climb Sothrop Street than pour my eyes out over Dr. Geise’s Ancient History – (Nuts) The best and grandest – genuine thrill I got out of Pitt was when I walked around the football field at the stadium. I just wanted to let loose and rush out on the field and play. But… (perhaps better not go into that again.) I really got a kick out of watching the games, though. But, every time I watch one, I want to play – and [usually] go hoarse with cheering enthusiasm.

            Fred really is having a time of it, isn’t he? Well, I wrote him a bat-taking-off to you letter I just have things too easy – it’s really more so than you probably realize. But - my first letter (the censored, cut up on one) raked down the Air Force, so I’d better not give the censor the urge to ventilate the hot air in this one.

            You were right about sending something warm to wear. All I need is several under shorts. A khaki-military-dress shirt would be a luxury – pleasant – of course - but totally unnecessary.

            I’ll get a real kick out of the delayed apples, I’m sure. But don’t they taste good to eat as they are, without making applesauce?

            I’m quite surprised about cousin Mabel getting “bu” of grapes from our vines. Does that include those on back sides of the 7-acre lot? Because, Paul and I got quite a few up there one year.

            Well, I’ll have to say goodbye – mail this – and go back to work. Oh, yes, could you send me some calomile flowers – or whatever it is I used to steam my bed with. I get a headache very seldom – now - but I’d like to steam it out – or dry it up now and then. Perhaps you could find some asthamados cigarettes – since I smoke a pack a week – slow anyhow. And really like it. Might try a pipe after the war.

            Lovingly, Chuck