Leon Gregg Pho.M.

17th Construction Battalion L”G”

G/O Fleet P.O.

New York, N.Y.

26 May 1943

Dear Billie,

            My mother wrote me a letter the other day and she told me that you forgot to take your parachute along when you fell out of that maple tree! I’m sorry I wasn’t under that tree to catch you. You’re a very lucky boy in spite of your broken arms. Two broken arms are so much more comfortable than a broken back! You’ve gone through the worst part now and getting better all the time; by the time you get this, you will probably be feeling much better, I hope so.

            Tell your mommy that you’ll be very careful from now on and I think she might even let you climb a few smaller trees when you’re all well- just to show her you’ve learned how to hang on. Say hello to all of your family for me- I understand you have a little cousin now. Good Luck, Billie.

                                    Your friend,

                                                Leon Gregg