Dearest Marge,

            Well we still haven’t been captured by the enemy forces. It looks bad, though. Our radio set is out of gas and the battery is dead. Our outfit hasn’t contacted us since yesterday noon so they may be captured by now. We are living off the natives here. We bought some peaches, bread, cakes and pork and beans off a traveling store for supper and for breakfast we had ham, hot biscuits, coffee and eggs. Not to bad. I think we will have chicken for dinner. Some fun. We have to look out for ourselves if nobody else will.

            Boy Marge I would like to see you again. It seems like a long time since I saw you. I liked those pictures of you. They were swell. News here is scarce. All there is snakes, poison ivy and bugs. I never knew there were so darned many bugs until I got here. I got a swell dose of poison ivy too. Well Honey I’ll close until after while. I love you and always will. Be good and write.

