Aug. 16, 1945

                                                                                                                                                            Thursday Evening


Hi Honey,

            I got a letter today.  It was written August 7, so that’s not bad.  I only hope you start getting your mail real soon.  I’ve been wondering about you a lot this week.  It has been an exciting one around here.  We don’t have any work until Monday.  We were in Canton yesterday all day.  Last night after we all came home from Canton I had to go get the Chevrolet.  Kate went with me and drove the Plymouth back.  He fixed it all up and checked it all over for $7.28.  I was glad to get it done.  Tonight I had the tank filled up full for once.  It really seems funny to buy all the gas you want now.  I just got my new tire at a nice time, didn’t I?  They probably won’t be rationed much longer than three months.  I’m going to Carrollton tomorrow and put some money in the bank.  If I don’t I’m liable to spend it.  I almost went to Carrollton tonight but I didn’t.  Naomi and Louise called me this afternoon and wanted me to come out to Louise’s tonight.  Naomi was going out.  I told them I might come but I didn’t go.  I had just washed my hair and I would have had to gone with it pined up.  They were telling me that Ted J. had just asked Naomi to go out with him.  Naomi said definitely “No”.  Ted must be hard up, hunting a woman so soon.  I kinda wished I’d gone now but anymore I’d rather stay home more.  Naomi has really given Charlie the air now.  She has a case on Glenn Dray.  I wonder if Charlie cares.  I doubt it.  He is probably glad she won’t be running after him for a while anyway.

            Lizi called me tonight.  She wanted to know if I got home O.K. Sunday and if I’d heard from you.  It sure is swell their getting the electric, isn’t it?

            I got the pictures you sent, in my letter today.  You boys all looked like you had been drunk.  I had a good laugh at the one with “Frag”.  He must be some character.  Maybe sooner than you expect you boys can be home and can forget about that life.  It surely will be swell to have you back again.  I’ll hardly know how to act.  I told Mom I wasn’t going to celebrate now, that I’ll do mine when you get home.  I’ve just been watching the rest celebrate around here.

            Kate, Jackie, Doris went to Canton skating tonight.  They wanted me to go but I didn’t want to.  When Kate goes like that she takes her rings off and flirts and has a big time. She [is the] one who doesn’t want to settle down.  Jr. writes to her every day and sometimes she writes and sometimes she don’t.  She will learn someday.

            I can’t think of anything more tonight, Ralph.  Honey I hope you get home soon.  Maybe by the time you get this letter you will have an idea.  Darling I know one thing the time is getting closer and closer.  Every day makes it one day closer.  I’ve spent a lot of lonesome days since you have been gone but it will be worth it all when I get you back again.  Are you going to let me know so I can meet you somewhere when that day comes.  I’d like to be waiting and see you get off the train.  Honey you know I love you an awful lot.  I hope you will love me just as much when you see me.  I can hardly wait but I’ve waited this long I can wait awhile longer.  Just think of all the lost time we will have to make up.  Ralph I’m going to sign off now.  Darling I love you more and more.  I hope to prove this to you some day too.  Be good Ralph and I will too.  Keep writing and I hope you soon get a lot of mail.

                                                                        Love and Kisses
