August 20, 1945


Dear Ralph,

            Mom is washing and she told me to come up and write you a letter.  Butch and I are going to a birthday party today at Marlon T’s.  I got 4 teeth pulled a week ago and Butch got five teeth pulled Saturday.  We took sweet air.  I got mine pulled the day before my birthday.  Lizie thrashed last Monday and Addie thrashed Tuesday.  Mom helped Addie and baked two chocolate cakes for Lizie.  Ross went back Thursday morning.  Marge was down at Lize’s and stayed all night.  And then on Sunday she took Lize and Johnnie down to Aunt Etta.  Lizie has got 6 little baby kittens.  I made a dress for Sambo and I had straps to it and he broke every one of them.  Butch’s birthday is next Saturday.  Last Saturday we went to Minerva with Johnnie and Nammie and we went to the Homecoming.  It was too hot so we did not stay very long.  Johnnie went to the sale today.  When are you coming home?  Papie didn’t have to work 3 days last week but he had to go back.  Its all most time for the party to start so I will write more later.  (over)


I just finished washing and I’m gonna iron Jeanie a dress now.  They’re out  “bathing.”  Boy! These parties!  It sure is warm today and it looks kinda rainey.

W.L. and Otie went to Lima this last week.  Since gas rationing is lifted you never saw so much traffic. 

I see where these lines are too much for me so I’ll write tonight. 

I got a letter from you Thursday and mom got one too.


