March 3, 1944


Dear Mom,

             I just got back from a picture show and its only 8 o’clock so I’ll kill the rest of the night or part of it any way writing you. So far so good but I dislike this place more than P.I. Turned in some bum shooting with a machine gun today but that’s all right because I’ve applied for transfer to a rifle platoon. The more I see of these m.g’s the less I like them. Tomorrow we shoot for record and providing I feel right I’ll try otherwise not. I think that transfer will go through and I can keep the same rifle issued me at P.I. It’s been real cold for the last few days and I still wonder where that fine weather usually connected with the south is. It wouldn’t be so bad if we had clothing to protect us but the M.C. figures because we’re going south we won’t need it. My sea bag and all my stuff is still among the missing as is most of the rest of the platoon. One of these days it should show up since a few are beginning to dribble through but it better be soon- I’m ruining my uniform coat and dress shoes rolling around on the ground and there’s no chance of having them replaced. The rest of the boys are in the same fix though so I have lots of company.  I’ve been here 11 days and haven’t heard from you probably because I took so long in sending that first letter. I didn’t know what my address would be for a few days anyway since in this business you move from one place to another with unfailing regularity.  I’ll have to send that suitcase home soon or at least I’m supposed to. It’s pretty well battered so I might throw it away.  I’ll try to hang on to my cap (visor) since they look a lot better to me than those caps. I kind of have an idea I’ll like California maybe if I have a leave I’ll visit Mr. and Mrs. Lawney- one thought there is I’ll have an opportunity there to get some good chew. They’re shipping out Marines by the thousand now and one way they go is to Norfolk and then by boat. Another is troop trains straight to the coast. If I go by boat it’ll be through the canal but I prefer the train.  I’ve been eating like a horse and to-day at the range had the unpleasant experience of eating out of field mess gear. Everything gets jumbled in a tin kit and naturally gets cold right away but at that it’s better than K rations. The best place where I ever ate was home naturally and around the mess halls are the best then comes field kits and last is K rations. They’re supposed to contain nutrition substances but nobody I ever knew said they felt like they had a good meal inside then after eating the stuff. Guess I asked you for Wess’s address in my last letter. I remember now I left it in the box I left home with all your letters in. Oh yes and this is important – have you got your money from the government yet – if not let me know and I’ll see what I can do here to speed things up. Look in my wallet (the good one) and see if you can find my identification card from the M.C. You know the one with the funny looking picture I brought home from P.I. Have to have it in my possession at all times and can’t get off the base without to. Not that I want to go, but maybe I’ll want to see Weise or Lawyers in California if I get a 72 hour pass. Providing I don’t get stuck with guard duty and so far I’ve been lucky, I can go to a show every night. There’s always some damn detail going but I’m getting wise now, and after 4 o’clock comes and chow time is over I lose myself. It’s a big place and easy to get lost in especially when nearly all wear the same clothes. It’s fun too, just like playing hide-and-seek.

            Every so often I get an overpowering urge to come home and its something of a struggle to avoid it. Naturally I can’t come home until this is over though lots before me have tried it. Usually they pay an awful price for their few hours liberty. This branch of the service is noted for its hard treatment of fellows A.W.O.L.  I’ll never land in the big though because it would be a black mark on my record and that can’t be afforded by me. I know this though that once I get home again I won’t want to travel anywhere and under no conditions. Before this is over I’ll see about as much of the world as the next guy and chances are wherever I go I’ll still nominate Cleveland and 26 20 E12F ST as being the garden spot of the world. I never knew just how clean that house was by comparison too these crummy barracks we live in. One thing though, I haven’t seen a cockroach in this place. Wonder what the reason for that is.

            I’m going to get some sleep now so I’ll sign off. Let me know if that money came through- send that Identification card and most important try and take care of yourself. You looked very bad when I was home. Try a couple of trips to Merck if you haven’t improved any- that’s an order. Take care of yourself for my sake Mom and I’ll try and take care of myself here. That way something should work out. Say hello to Mollie for me and tell her hope she’s alright. By the way stop and see Mrs. Wise when you can. I recommend the food and atmosphere 100%. Say hello to Donnie too.

                                                                                                Lots of Love


P.S. Feed the cat- that’s another order.