
Nov 22, 1944






I just got the Cake thanks                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Dear Sisters:

            Well it is another cold crisp day out here in the blooming west.

            I have two day sore arms today and put in one hell of a night these damn shots surely can make a guy feel lousy I got a thyroid and tetanus that was plenty I must go for more damn shots on Friday I think I must start my Yellow fever series and goodness [k]nows what others there are only two others cholera and chyphus that I can get so no telling they may dish them out to me also by dam it is always something or other.

            We are quite busy at work it just seems that there is always an engine going wrong and than to cap it all off last night we had trouble with a new engine that was freshly hung so we shot trouble on it and until proven other wise we have a case of sabotage on our hands so I guess we’ll be in for some questioning by the base intelligence officer for it is something that happened right there at our own hanger than again it could have been an accident which I really think it was myself.




            We paraded on Monday & damn nearly froze and I mean froze.  They had us fall out & form at 7 A.M. & than had us standing there until 9 before we moved off for the parade boy there was plenty of bitching there and I really think we were entitled to it.  For there was no damn need to have standing out in the cold that long.

            I got a card and letter from you Irma I’m looking for the box.  I guess tomorrow Mary will eat at the camp my meal is free but hers will be $.75 which isn’t bad at all if the meal is half as good as it was last year.  We were invited out for dinner but I must work and could not arrange it so we decided to go to camp. 

            I new that Whitstore that got killed at the Atlas it surely is too bad.  It must have been a good crack to shake the tours like it did.

            Mary’s toe is O.K. again I don’t think it was broken Well I’ll sign off for now so long

