Dear Mom:

            Meant to write to you sooner but something always seems to be happening.

            I am just fine, hope you all are. Guess Daddy is all right by now.

            I will be home this week-end I am not sure whether I will come Friday night or Saturday morning. Just look for me when you see me.

            Mother, I want to go to night school down here if I can take the subject that I want. It will cost about $60.00 a quarter and I wish you could figure around some way where you could get by without me sending anything home for a while.

            You know my time is growing short and unless I study now it may be too late tomorrow. This war is one that demands intelligent men to execute it properly, and now is the time to study not tomorrow or next year or never.

            Think it over please and I will talk to you about it when I come home.

            Please don’t keep putting off sending for my birth certificate. Time is flying by Mother. It won’t wait for me or anyone else.

            I have getting on beautifully with Betsy this week. She is most nice. Mrs. Crossley says that you have to rate pretty well to get a picture. That sounds O.K. to me. She has really been swell this week.

            Her mother is sick, she has gall bladder trouble, they think that they will have to operate on her. I’m going out to see her tomorrow night. I don’t know whether Betsy and I will go any where or not. We may just stay at home with Mrs. Johnson. She is really a fine lady, wish you could meet her. Maybe you can if you come down to se Dorothy. Dot lives about 2 or three blocks form where Betsy lives.

            Mother, I wish you would call Dr. Vinton and ask him if he could give me an examination next Saturday. Ask him how much it will be. I want to make sure I am in perfect health before I try to get into the Air Corps.

            He is the first doctor I have seen that I like. I want to have some X-rays made of my chest just to be sure I am alright.

            Roy Sloan has gone back to Atlanta to go to school. For a while there was no one here but Charlie and myself. We now have two new boarders in the front room. I haven’t seen much of them yet. Don’t know what they are like.

            I think I am going to buy bring my tweed suit home this week-end. I never do wear it and I want to keep it from moths. It is just too hot down here for a suit that heavy.

            By the way that picture you saw was titled “In This Our Life”. If you want to see a good one, see “She Flyer Takes a Wife”[The Wife Takes a Flyer] it is making fun of Hitler. Really funny.

            If you remember it, please send me Dorothy’s phone numbers and address again. I have lost them. I got a letter from you with them in it but I seem to have mislaid it.

            If you see Miss Bailey, tell her fooy for me. She hasn’t written me in weeks. She hasn’t written that she got the stink water or anything. It doesn’t matter though I am satisfied if I never saw her again it would be too soon for me. I’ve got the swellest girl anyone could wish for. Bettie is not true blue I don’t think. Betsy is the other way around. True as the Bible. If I ever entertained the thought of getting married, I would ask her. I think she is the only girl I’ll ever really care anything about.

            That’s not just idle talk either. I mean it. Next to you I love her most. I don’t think I ever love anyone as much as I do you. I don’t put on a lot of emotional show but the feeling is there right on. Remember that when I lose my temper and holler at you sometimes, I don’t mean it, just sorta forget what I’m saying for a minute or two.

            That about covers everything for now. See you Fri or Sat.

Love Always,
