
Dear Mom:

            Hope you got the Special O.K.  Sorry I couldn’t send more.  I know money can’t make up to you for all the trouble I have been to you in the past 20 years, but it will help lighten your worries and that is some help.

            Someday maybe I’ll be able to do he things for you and Pop that I have always wanted to and couldn’t.  Time will tell.

            Hope Ben has gotten all right, I was worried about him lots.   Give him my love.

            Mother, I have made up my mind, I am going to try the Air Corps test next Monday morning.  I’ve got to know where I stand or I’ll explode.  I am tired of waiting for the War to come to me, I’m going after it.

            I won’t be satisfied until I know whether or not I can be a pilot.  Please try to see how I feel about it all.

            We’ll have a long talk about it when I come home this week end.  I am going to try to come home Friday night so I can stay as long as possible.

            Charlie Burnette is in Atlanta today (Tuesday.) taking the test for the naval Air Corps.  He is going into the Naval Air Corps if he can make the grade.  I hope that he does.

            Mother, my Betsy affair is definitely and finally at a conclusion.  We are friends and that is all.  She is in love with the fellow next door to her and has been all along. The boy in the Air Corps was just a passing fancy.

            She has three standing dates with him a week and all day Sunday so it must be bad.  I guess it is for the best for I was getting to care too much for her.  I might even have proposed to her in a moment of weakness or stupidity, and that would never do.

            I am not going to let it get me down though, I’m too young to worry.

            I did tell her this, that after the war was over I was coming back and woo her and win her.  She said that she would be looking forward to it too.

            She really said some nice things about me though.  She said that she felt toward me as she did no other boy, friend of course.  That covers a lot of ground too.

            She said that I was one of the most swell persons that she had ever known, said they didn’t make anymore like me.

            Well, they say, the saddest words of tongue or pen, the saddest of these “It might have been.”

            I am going to put all my heart into making a success out of myself in the Air Corps and leave no room for any girl except you.

            I have already Frances Fechter and asked her if she wanted to go to the fair with me Saturday.

            I am going to get out and have myself a good time these last few weeks that I am a civilian.

            If you see Frances tell her not to disappoint me.

            Frances and I are in the same boat but for different reasons, we should hit it off just right together.

            Well Mom, that’s about all for now.

I remain as always

You loving son,
