Sunday Night

[April 4, 1943]


Dear Folks:

            Sorry I have not written to you all more but I have just not had time lately. It will probably be different from now on because I have dropped Geography and English. The reason for this is that I start flying Tuesday Morning at 11:45 A.M.

            Mother, the first group of us are supposed to be leaving on the 17th of April, now that is not official but it is pretty much accepted as a fact. I am in this group but Bob is not. We are supposed to go to San Antonio, Texas. That too is not certain but we are pretty sure of it. Looks like we we be separated at last. Guess it would be too much, to expect to stay together all the way through.

            It does not pay to make good friends in this war because it will tear the bands of friendship away and leave you alone to start all over again. I guess that is one of the “horrors of war.”

            I hate to leave Bob but I’m right on the verge of what I joined up for. I can hardly wait to get started flying.

            Mom, I hope you will write Betsy before long, she would really be glad to hear from you, she took a special liking to you.

            Don’t worry about me flying, now, I will be O.K. You will probably worry anyway but you shouldn’t because I feel safe up there and I am not afraid so keep your chin up and I’ll make you proud of me yet.

            Mom, here is the way things stack up so far. There only two majors here and I am one them. There are four groups here and I am in the top group and that group is the first group to leave here and go to classification center so the way I figure it I am not so bad off yet. I may fall by the wayside on the way but they will have a hard time disqualifying me unless I have something wrong with me physically.

            Well, Mom, I have just about run out of chatter for now, so I will close for now.


All my love to you

all and keep smiling,
