

Dear Mom and Pop:

            Guess you figured I had about forgotten all about you, but I have been most busy lately. I have been doing quite a bit of flying, and I now leave 23 hours in the air. I am getting where I can handle the thing pretty well now. Feel pretty good about it too.

            I got the card from Granny the other day and I will write her just as soon as I can. Hope she is better now. She won’t admit she is sick until she is ready to drop.

            Moms, please call Mrs. Glynn, Corley’s mother, and get his address from her. I wrote him once but have not received an answer from him so he must not have received it. I want to get in touch with him and see him if he is still in this county.

            Frances writes me that she may come to Los Angeles to see an aunt of hers when she gets her vacation in October. You should come along with her; it would really be a wonderful trip. The only bad feature is the foul Pullman accommodations now. Sure would like to see you though.

            I will be through here in about 5 more weeks though and I don’t know where I will go from here. Who can tell. The time is skipping by awful fast, it won’t be long before I get those silver wings, or “wash out”. I am hoping for the former.

            We met some girls over in Ventura and they all have cars so we are well fixed for open post now. They are going to pick us up at the gate next Friday night, which is our next night off.

            Well mom, I’ll be back again soon, give my love to Pop and Ben and Aunt Cora. Tell her I will answer her swell letter soon.

                        Your loving boy,
