West  9/28/1943


Dear Mom:

            I have finished all my final exams and I am pretty sure I passed them all. I have a few more house flying to put in and I leave here Thursday night. I will go to Marana, Arizona, it is not for from Mexico, I may get down into Mex. Before I go to advance. I don’t know whether I told you or not but I went to Los Angeles to be at the Breakfast at Sardis. I even stayed in a hotel about 6 blocks from the corner of Hollywood and Vine, and I overslept. It is sorta  hard to get to L.A and get back on time. I don’t guess I will get down again, I won’t get open post this because I will have to fly to make up time we lost because we were grounded a week by fog.

            I have 9 weeks at Basie and then when I move the next time, that is where I will get my wings. Keep your fingers crossed Mom, lots of things can happen between now and then.

            I will send you my address just as soon as I arrive at my new base. I don’t know how long it will take me to get there, it is 3 or 4 hundred miles I think. You never have time to grow tire of a place before you are on the move again, never a dull moment. I am really looking forward to Basie , we take up night flying, flying by instruments only, formation flying etc. Here before we have not flown at night any, we have not been allowed to come nearer than 500’ feet to another plane. At basic we will fly very close, wingtip to wingtip. We will have a road in the plane too so we can keep in contact with the airport. I am really looking forward to it

            Well mom, I’ll be on my way for now, write often.


Love to all, Roy