Dear Mom:

            Here me again, haven’t heard from you as often lately, really miss hearing regularly. As yet, I haven’t received the picture, hope it hasn’t been lost somewhere. I’m still looking for it.

            Well Mom, I’m coming along OK with my flying. I was the first one in my group to solo the B.T. and the first one to have their 20 hour check. I passed it ok and today I started on instruments. You fly completely by reference to instruments. You don’t even see the ground or sky, you fly under a hood and you can’t see where you are going. You have another fellow in the front seat to watch so you won’t run into another airplane. It is lots of fun, useful too. Sometime you may get caught in a fog and you will have to fly by instruments or crash. (You generally fly by instruments.

            Mom, I haven’t got much time tonight so I’ll have to cut it short.

            Enclosed is the wallet and merit card we got when we graduated from Primary, if you were entitled to it.

            Write soon Mom, I’ll try too.

                                    Love to all,


            I never got the right letter. I got one at Oxnard but not one since I got here. The one at Oxnard just wanted to know why I hadn’t written.
