Dear Mom:

            I received the cookies today and we are certainly enjoying them!  Thanks a million Mom, they are really swell.

            Well Mom, you can rest easy now, your wondering boy is safe!  Anne was married to a Lt. last evening (Wednesday).  I guess she is happy at last.  I was mildly surprised, not shocked though.  It’s funny but it didn’t even matter even a little.  He is a dentist in the army, I guess that helped a little.  He was just handed a commission, he did not have to work for it at all.  I have my own opinion of guys like that.

            Mom, I haven’t sent the pin as yet.  I haven’t had time to get to the post office.  I’ll get it off yet, don’t worry.  I’ll let you know when I finally send it.

            I sent Granny a telegram of Congratulations a while back.  I haven’t heard from her as yet.  I hope she will be happy, I am really glad she took the fatal step.  Hope I get to meet the old boy someday.

            You can rest easy now Mom.  I have flown all my cross country trips, the long one and even one at night, alone.  See, I’m safe and sound and none the worse for the ordeal.  There’s really nothing to this flying if you keep your mind on what you are doing.  It takes all your attention when you are flying, you have to think flying and nothing else.

            Mother, please send me Bob’s address in your next letter, I lost his somehow, also Norman’s, Gene’s, and Ralph’s too, or is he home now?

            I like the picture of you stomping down Peachtree Street, wish I was down there with you.  Maybe I will someday.

            Mom, my time’s gone, time for lights out.

Your Loving Son,
