Dear Mom:

            I have passed all of my check rides and today I finished flying completely and will leave for advance next Saturday or Sunday.  I’ll let you know where I am going just as soon as I know myself which will be tomorrow or Tuesday.

            I believe the worst is behind me now and in a little over two months I’ll be wearing those silver wings, I hope.

            I know you are wondering why you have not received the pen as yet.  I have it all packed but have not had time to mail it but I will this coming week I believe.  I am only sending the pen because the pencil is OK and the cap is jammed on.  I think it happen in the mail by bumping back and forth in the box.  The cap did not screw on, it just stuck on and by jolting around it was wedged on and I could not remove it, they should give you a new pen cause I don’t think there is much they can do in the way of getting it off.  If they won’t do anything about it I will raise cane with them when I get home.

            You were wondering what I wanted to fly when I graduate, I signed up to fly P-38’s which is a single seat pursuit and the fastest ship in the air.  I don’t know whether I will get my choice or not but I sure hope so.  I just can not see myself in a lumbering old bomber.  I love to soar around too well, I wouldn’t be happy just flying straight and level and not being able to scoot around like I want too.

            As for Ann, she is forgotten, completely so we won’t talk about her anymore.  I hope you have disposed of that picture of us together, if not, please do.  She married a Lt. who is the dentist of her father’s outfit.  I guess she just met him, it did not surprise me for some reason.

            I am going to find out if what you say is true about Betsy.  She wrote me that the fellow she had been going with had been gone two months and may be going overseas soon.  Sounds well.

            I am really sorry that Daddy did that way when Aunt Cora was married.  I don’t see how he can do things like that.  I am glad I wasn’t there, I would really have felt bad about it.  Looks like he could see what a position it puts you in when he does like that.

            I got a long letter from Betsy the other day and she really poured out the news, said that she still missed me, that holds a little promise so I am looking forward to a furlough.

            That’s about all for now Mom.  Will write more often this coming week.

