Dear Folks:

            I arrived here at Kirtland Field Sun. morning. This is a 4-engine bomber school but I am pretty sure I will not fly them. I think I am going to fly Bombardier cadets on practice bombing runs. What else I don’t know. This is a wonderful base – the very best that I have yet seen.

            I am living in Bachelor Officer Quarters (B. O Q.) and we have only one fellow per room. I am just across the street from the officers club which is gorgeous Mom. We are free to go and come as we please, we don’t even have to have a pass to get in and out of the post. We are just about 4 miles out of town and the town is fine. The University of N. Mexico is here and they have flocks of girls there.

            You can rest easy Mom, I don’t believe there is much chance of me going overseas anytime soon. I seemed to have gotten a good deal at last and it was just handed to me. I couldn’t be better pleased with the setup. I’ll write you more details when I know myself.

Two days later

            I have been pretty busy. We have started to ground school learning how to operate the bombsight and the automatic pilot and instruments and various other things.  We will be pretty busy for about a month and then things will slow down a little. I’ll get some very valuable experience while I am here, it will get me in good after the war.

The city of Albuquerque is fine. It is pretty really pretty. We are on higher ground than the town and we overlook it. The sight is beautiful at night. The Rio Grande river goes right past town and it adds to the view. There are snow-capped mountains all over too.

There are no restrictions on officers here, we do pretty much as we please. We can go and come as we please, we can leave the post anytime awe are not on duty. Mom, I have never seen a letter place to be stationed. It is wonderful, no joke. I just hit it lucky being sent here. If I don’t flunk out (in the training school) I will probably be here for a year or so. I hope I can stay if I can’t fly fighters. This is not exactly what I signed up to do, but I asked for what I wanted to do and they did not seem to see it my way; so I guess I will just make the best of it and do my best at what I have been assigned.

As soon as I get settled and find out for sure if I am going to stay here, I want you and Ben to come out and visit me, maybe this summer or probably in the fall when it cools off a little.

I am only about 200 miles from Clovis where Corley is stationed and I am going to fly over there as soon as I can. It will be fun seeing him again.

            Better close now and get this mailed. By the way, Mom, I wish you would send me my watch, I broke my new one on the train and I am lost without one. I will send it back as soon as I get mine back. Has that box arrived yet with my “51” ink in it? Please send it if it has, I need it bad, I can’t get it on the post:

                                                            Love to all,


I tell you what a time I had getting back, in my next letter