August 16, 1944

Dear Mom:

            I thought I had written you that the fellow backed out on the trip to Memphis, but I think I can get a ride to St, Louis. I don’t know how good the train connections will be and I will probably spend a night there and get some rest before the train trip. I know I can’t get a Pullman so I will just sit up for one night. I should make it home late Monday or Tuesday. Sure will cost me though and just as I was getting out of debt. This trip will put me in the hole about $200.00 before it is over so I just don’t see any way to buy a car as much as I need and want one. I don’t think I will try to come home again soon because I just can’t afford it and I want to start to save some money if I can. I am tired of being a pauper!

            Boy, that letter with the funny numbering had me standing on my head trying figure it out. How in the world did you do that anyway?

            I want to tell you something Mom, I wrote Corely when you said he was home and I haven’t heard one word from him. So you can see that it is not entirely my fault that we don’t write more often. He could easily have answered by now I think!

            Mom, are you sure Bob is now flying a B-24, he was flying a B-25. There is a lot of difference – a B-24 has 4-engines and a B-25 has only two. The B-25 is what I wanted to fly next to fighters. Guess I will be here until the war is over – that will make you happy won’t it?

            Glad father – one has agreed to stay off instead of working. The rest will do him good. He will just go places and take it easy. We’ll take Ann along too if she is cute. Don’t want no ugly women hanging round- can’t have it. We’ll just go out to Forrest Park, I like it out there. Sure is pretty!

            Stop going on Mom, I will try to write Aunt Maude and say something.

            Hope you don’t mind about the phone call, but all we have in the barracks is a pay station and I would have had to have a pile of change to place the call. I will repay you when I come home. Sure was good to hear Pop and Ben again though, I wish you had been there too!

            I’ll bet I had better not catch that Ben crying over tonsils when I come home. Of all things – I never heard of such. Just a big baby, that’s what.

            When you get this, tell Aunt Cora to send the money post haste to arrive by Friday if she hasn’t already or I won’t be able to come home.

See you soon, I hope.

Love to all,
