Dear Mom:

            Guess you have begun to wonder what has happened to me. As usual I am ok and have just grown careless. I have been building a model airplane and have been putting all my time into it and writing no letters at all. I’ll be doing better now as it is nearing completion.

            Tell Ben it’s a P-51 and that I’ll bring it to him next time I come home on leave also tell him I have him 3 boxes of .22 long rifle cartridges and that I will send them to him soon as I can get them wrapped. Tell him I am most disappointed that he has not written me whether or not he got the insigmas, if they were ok and which ones he has now so I wouldn’t send any he already has.

            Let Ben play as long as he can Mom because one day you suddenly wake up to the fact that you aren’t a child any longer and you regret all the time you wasted working. I wish I had never gone to work at A&P maybe I would have gotten more out of school than I did. I don’t see any great wealth I accumulated working there. It’s all water over the dam now so I won’t fret about it at all.

            Oh! Yes, don’t waste your time and mine by sending me anything about the late Betsy Johnson. I have forgotten that she ever existed, so if I never hear of her again it will be too soon. Worry not about it affecting me, you can bet your life that it didn’t at all.

            Yes, I hear from Bettie often but not as often as I would like to, but that’s the way it goes. Maybe I will have a little longer to concentrate on her next time I am home.

            The books arrived ok and I’ll be putting some time in on them soon because I am going back to school when the war is over. I hear the government is going to send us to school for as many years as we have been in the army up to five years. I have been in nearly two years and it certainly doesn’t seem like that long does it, since we stood in that station that night-?

            I figure that I will be lucky if I am out of the army in two more years. I am expecting at least three. We never can tell though so I don’t even give it a thought, just plug along and wait.

            The cash is one for Ben and five each for you and Pop for birthdays. Seems that I forgot yours when I got back here.

            Write soon and I’ll do the same.

                        Love to all,
