Dear Mom:

            Am well on my way to Kansas, just now we are sitting at the station at Pubelo, Col. We are traveling by troop train again, but we have Pullmans this time and its really a privilege to travel when you are half way comfortable.


            I got tired of black ink so I changed when I ran out.

            Have arrived at Smoky Hill AAF and there is nothing but confusion. No one knows what to do with us it seems. Haven’t any idea of course how long we will be here; the C.O. himself doesn’t know even.

            What I have seen of the base I don’t like at all, wish I could have stayed at my home. Met a cute girl at Boise just before I left for here and there were lots of other places to go from there. That is all that is good about this place. It is near Kansas City and I know a girl there and we’re even nearer Wichita. I know a girl at Tulsa and I can probably get down there on the weekend. May not be had after we get settled down a little more and get the day of the land.

            Lots of guys here are getting discharges, but most are overseas returnees so don’t be expecting me home anytime soon. I don’t have enough points to get a leave much less a discharge. Doesn’t matter much though, don’t know what I would do if I got out just how anyway. Would like to fly for the airlines, but there will be more pilots than could ever be used by the airlines. If I ever do get out I may go to school for a while……

            We may be sent overseas to relieve men in the occupation army. I wouldn’t mind that too much, but I don’t care to stay over there for 6 or 7 years or anything like that.

            Have no news as of yet, so I will close and get ready to go to a meeting they have scheduled.

                                    Love to all,
