Sep 15, 1945

Dear All,

            Glad to hear from you all again and that you are all well. I am fine as wine and happy as one can be in the army.

            So Corley finally got overseas did he? And the war ends when he gets there. I wish I could have come that close even but I can’t help it the way things turned out

            Frances coming to K.C? What gives here? I am afraid I am near Kansas City, but she’s going to get a surprise when she finds out how hard it is to get a hotel if she’s going to stay in one. They are full up every time I’ve tried to get one, we stayed up all night last time we were there finally got one about 10:30 on Sunday morning. I slept until about 8:30 that night.

            How does Norman think he’s going to get out so soon, he hasn’t enough points I know. Stop worrying about Norman getting his promotion before I did. He has the advantage of being stationed at a base permanently and I was a student officer in training when mine came up and no one bothers about you then. If I had been at Albuquerque still it would have been all taken care of me because I was known there, but I have been transferred so often there is bound to be some delay. As I told you it was put in on the 10 of August according to a letter in my file.

            I think that I will stay in a while and let the world settle down some before I come out and try my hand as a civilian. Sure would like to fly for the airlines, make a little cash for a while. I won’t have to worry about getting out of the army anytime soon, I don’t imagine. I am high on the list for overseas and low for discharge. Can only wait and see what cooks for a while yet.

            Well write again soon, got mad listening to some soft headed senators’ debate on the radio and I can’t key my mind on letter writing just now. Those guys ink me.

                                                                                    Love to all,
