Dear Mom:

             I don’t know if I will ever be able to stay put again, I am on skipping alert again – this time I am going to Pyote, Texas for what I don’t know. I know one thing, this place is the worst station the Air Force has, bar none. It is out in the Texas desert and it is 200 miles from any town of any size. This will probably be the place where I will be stuck for the rest of my stay in the army. Some of our group are going to March field in Calif. Now why couldn’t I have been sent there? Near L.A. and really in the middle of really beautiful country too. I’m still old lucky West I suppose!

            Went down to Hutchinson, Kansas to the State Fair but it wasn’t too good, it was something to do though. I saw the movie “State Fair” as it was really a fine show, haven’t enjoyed on so much in a long time. It is darned good entertainment.

            I am losing two of my crew members soon, North and Wolf – co-pilot and engineer. I don’t know whether I will get re-placements or if they will leave us as a skeleton crew. We don’t have any idea what we are to do in Pyote, Tex. which is where we are going so we’ve found.

            The other letter has most of the poop so I will close this one for now.

                                                                                                Your loving son,
