January 27,

Dearest Hal,

            I just love to get such nice long letters from you. I am always full of good intentions but I don’t seem to be able to write very long letters. I get so sleepy and usually just have to give it up as a bad try.

            Today I had a particularly hard day at school because I was confronted with a new problem. I have had many things to contend with but this is the worst I have had so far. Two of my children have head lice. Of course I had to examine all the heads. What a job that turned out to be. I don’t even know what I was looking for but now I think I understand better. I sent them home but I didn’t know what to advise for getting rid of them. I have been itching ever since; I hope it’s just the power of suggestion.

            Sam is still of a mind to take an education. He had been going for three days now. I still don’t know how it will work out. He is crazy to go but I don’t know if he will fit in or not. He certainly does have an awful lot to make up. If he doesn’t make the grade it would be a disappointment to him I’m afraid.

            Sara called me tonight. She is having a bridge party for Elizabeth on Tuesday night and wanted me to come. It was sweet of her to think of it but I really couldn’t go. I would never be able to teach if I went out and spent the night. She thought I could spend the night and then come back in time to teach Wednesday morning but I have to get Sam ready too, and I just couldn’t be away.

            Sara is working at the ration board office in Staunton. She says she is dead tired and I guess she must be right brave or she wouldn’t be attempting a party.

            Nora had a letter from Billy. He said things were pretty quiet where he was and there was talk of sending some of them back to rest up behind the lines. Billy doesn’t want to rest he wants to see some action. I think he has seen enough though and would be happy to have him in a slightly less dangerous position for awhile.

            Bits has gotten an A.P.O. no c/o PM San Francisco. So I guess he is on his way. I am sorry it has to be so soon after he was sick. I wonder if he is strong enough for overseas duty just now.


            Bob’s address:

            P.F.C. R_______   B_______  33210896

            Det. Med. Dept.

            25th Gen. Hospital

            A.P.O. # 646 c/o PM



            I wish you would drop him a line. I know it would be very much appreciated.

            I hope you come home sooner than you even hope to come. I can’t begin to tell you how I miss you.

                                                                                    All my love,
