Monday, October 15


My dearest Hal,


            I have neglected writing to you and hope you won’t hold it against me. I have wanted to find out how things were with Sam and me before writing. I took Sam up to Dr. Thomas Saturday morning as he advised and he gave him a metabolism test. I think we have a wonderfully good child when it comes to doctors because he took the test without a murmur. I was dreading it for him but Sam didn’t seem to mind it so much. The test showed that he was –23 and –5 is about normal. He is taking his thyroid pills. He takes them without any fuss and pills are very hard for him to swallow. Dr. Thomas says his thyroid is not seriously underactive and he thinks a few pills will set matters right again. Poor little boy I do hope nothing else will have to be wrong with him. It seems to me he has more than his share. I hope there is nothing we can do for him that we fail to do as far as making him healthy is concerned. I guess everyone else has these troubles to go through with their children. I certainly hope this little one that’s coming will not be afflicted with all the ills flesh is heir to.

            Just as I was writing to you last night Sara called me up and we talked so long. I had to put Sam to bed as soon as she hung up, so then I was so sleepy I didn’t get to the letter. Sara says she hopes to write to you one of these days but of course she is very busy as you know. She expects Billy home before long. She said she was not sending him any boxes for Xmas as she was sure he would be home. Elizabeth did send him some however. I am doing very little shopping for anyone as I do not feel up to it. I shall give a nice book to Sara and Starry and one to Wilbur and Elizabeth. I will get something for the children and that is all I plan to do.

            Hal, Sam is crazy for a football. Some of the children he plays with have footballs and he is very anxious to have one so he can practice kicking it. I have looked everywhere in Staunton and Waynesboro and there are none to be had. The only football in either place is one at the Sport Shop and the price is out of my class. $9.95 seems a bit fantastic for a kids football. Do you suppose you could possibly find one anywhere in your tracks at a more reasonable price. Sam would truly be delighted if you could.

            If there are any people you want me to send an announcement to when the baby arrives will you please send me the names and addresses. Of course I will send them to all the family but I wasn’t sure about anyone else.

            Honey, just one letter last week didn’t seem like I was having much luck with the mails. It seems like a long time between trains. Please write often. You simply can’t imagine how much it helps to get a letter every day.

                                                                                                            All my love,
