My Dear Brother,


It is with much gusto that I receive your postcard. It is with much gusto also that I know anything about you. I am happy to know that you are well. Brother, I also feel secure and I also want you to feel secure by [about] me. I was worried when the bombers came to Florence because I thought that you were there, but actually, you had already left. Tell me, how are you? Are you as well as you were in Italy? Tell me if you are in danger because I feel that danger here because of the bombers.


My dear brother, know that close to me came [moved] the fiancée of Nida. About Nida and her fiancee- I saw them. They were at your house visiting your mother. When they came another time they were talking about you and wanted to know more about how you are doing. We remember you always.

                                                Your brother,

                                                            Paolo (Paul)