Jan. 4, 1944
Hello Oliver,
I received
your letter and I didn’t know how to open it. My ma read the letter to me.
Richard’s grandmother died and I saw her in the casket and the undertaker was
watching us to see what we were doing. Richard’s mother is sick in bed. Patsy
is upstairs and I am downstairs writing the letter. This morning I looked out
of the window and saw frost on the roofs and I thought snow was on the ground.
My dog is going to sleep by the stove. No one is home except me and my dog. I got a lot of things for Christmas and just
because my sister is little she gets a lot of present[s] for Christmas. And I
hope you had a nice Christmas and a lot of presents beside[s] I only got a few
presents. And when I was coming from
seeing her grandmothers there was an accident on the cardine(?) someone got run
over or got hit I hope it isn’t serious. Well it’s time for me to go good-by Oliver
and I hope and I hope you will write me