
31 Aug 44

Dear Gram and Leon:

            Yesterday I received three letters from Mother and several others from service friends a most happy day. Mom told me she received the Hong Kong linen needle point and was thrilled over its beauty. I hope you are over in Seattle so you can see it, yourself before long, you find one of these handmade needle points once in a lifetime.

            Today was payday and the inevitable poker games are going full blast already.

            My new outfit is a fine organization and I am happy over the fact it was possible to make the change. Working now in Grey’s headquarters, I am picking up considerable knowledge of group administration policies. The future looks bright.

            How is Mike? I sent him a letter three days ago. I hope he is well and getting along in good shape. The news from over there points more every day to a quick ending, which I hope comes soon.

            Why is it the civilians back home read a newspaper and learn of our military successes in Europe then quit their war jobs and in general reach the conclusion the war is over? We have a pip of a war going on here in China and Burma. Have civilians decided it is alright for American soldiers to keep on fighting over here after Germany falls? We will need more than ever, when Germany collapses, all the strength of our home front to put a speedy ending to the war over here. Otherwise, production lag means exactly what we have now- insufficient weapons of war to Christianize the Japs. We need the navy now in European waters and soldiers over there, to finish here. How can civilians figure strategy before our Generals-that the armies in Europe are about through with their job? It seems the blood men shed does not affect a great majority of our laborers, who measure patriotism with dollar signs and time and a half at the drop of a hat.

Hope you are both well. Lots of love-

Your Grandson,
