Letter #11

Friday Morning.

October 23, 1942.


My darling,

            Miss Fuller and Mrs. McLaughlin are out of town today to a Red Cross meeting, so I am alone in this office, and Miss Fuller’s office next to this is empty, so I thought, “What a grand opportunity to start a letter to my sweetheart!” Of course, there is a lot of work I might do, but I will do some of it this afternoon and let the rest wait until tomorrow. Most of it doesn’t seem to be vital enough to demand a quick reply. Mrs. McLaughlin will be back tomorrow.

            Today is rainy and dreary, so up to now we haven’t had many callers. However, [I] have received loads of telegrams to answer.

            Western Union just called and read me your cable. I asked them to send a copy to me. Thanks for sending it, dear. I will send one to you on my way home tonight, or rather, on my way to the Beauty Shop tonight, as that is where I am going after work. I haven’t received any letter since the two I got Tuesday, so I was more than ever glad to get the cable. I am glad that you are well and comfortable. And I miss you too, dearest---terribly.

            I wrote you about the check I received the first of Oct. being for the former amount of $270.00, and that I wrote to Washington about it. Well, I received a check for $80.00, so that is all settled now. I presume my November check will be for the correct amount. If it isn’t, I’ll just write to Washington again, and they will have to send me a check for $80.00 again. But I am sure they won’t make the same mistake twice!

            Last night, Hope and Laura called for me about 6:15, in Hope’s car. We went to the Steak Shop in Johnson City, and as usual, had a delicious dinner. Then the three of us went to the Capitol. It was the first time I’ve been in that theatre in ages. I don’t remember when I was last there, but it was surely before you went in the army, over two years ago. We went mainly to see the vaudeville, which they have every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, as they used to do. It was only fair, but we had a good time anyway. The movie was a class B picture definitely, and I have forgotten the name, but it could have been worse. And we had a good chance to visit, and get caught up on all that has happened for the last couple of years. Of course, as usual, Laura did most of the talking. You know, she went to Syracuse to work---got a leave of absence---but she is back in the Assessors Office, after being gone for 5 months. I don’t know whether she got fired or quit or what. Hope I still working in the Laboratory at the hospital. She has a new car---at least, it was new to me. She got it about 2 years ago. She needed it too. Did you ever see her old one? It had certainly seen it’s best days two or three years before she got rid of it.

            I’ve had so many interruptions, that it has taken me over an hour to write this much to you.

            The Community Chest drive is going on in full force. I’m going to look up and see how much you have given in former years, and maybe add five dollars or so to it, sine I am working, and give it in both our names. I believe there are one or two new organizations in it this year. And I guess it just about takes care of everything except Red Cross. We have our roll call in the spring, I think, but I don’t know. I don’t have anything to do with the business end of this organization at all, and almost never go out in the business office, unless it is to get some paper or envelopes, or other supplies.


Friday Evening.


            I thought maybe I would be able to finish this letter at the office this afternoon, but I was awfully busy. Everything seemed to come at once, and since I was there alone, it kept me stepping. And then the weather cleared up, and we had several callers to add to everything else. So I was thankful when 5 o’clock finally came.

            On my way back to the office this afternoon, I stopped at the bank and bought us a $50.00 bond and a $25.00 bond. I hadn’t bought any before this month, as I didn’t deposit this month’s allotment until today. I held the $270.00 check until I got the $80.00, and deposited them both today. I was holding the first check, as I thought they might ask me to return it, and send me a check for the total amount of $350.00. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I get it. I don’t know yet how much I can pay on the house next month, but I will let you know. I like to get the money so that I can buy bonds, and also pay on our house. The money we pay on the house goes to the government too, doesn’t it? So by buying bonds and paying on the house, we are helping both ourselves and our country.

            After work, I went to the Western Union Office to send you a cable. The pleasant young man that is usually there wasn’t around, and some dumb Dora waited on me. I hope the cable reaches you all right, but I wonder. The girl was evidently new. At least, I had never seen her before, and I go there so often to send cables, that I know most of them by sight. And she was surely in a fog. I don’t know whether she ever heard of a cable before.

            Then I went across the street and got a sandwich in the Olympia, and then got to Ann’s at just 5:30 for my appointment. I got home a little time ago, about 7:40 or 7:45.

            Grandma is better. The doctor told her that for a change tomorrow she can go in the sun-room and lay on the studio couch there. And on Sunday she can come to the table and eat with the family. So in another week, she will probably be all right again.

            Auntie got a letter from Dr. Berlinghof today. She knit him some socks, and Mrs. B. sent them to him. It was a nice little letter. He is still in the same place, and doesn’t know when they will be sent out of the country.

            If I don’t get your permanent address by Monday, I will have to send your Xmas package to where you are now. Maybe I have waited too long already, and you may not get it until after Christmas, but I hope it reaches you all right and on time. They guarantee that packages mailed before Nov. 1st will be delivered by Xmas, but sometimes it is difficult to carry out promises. And darling, if you don’t get the anniversary gift I mailed on Sept. 4 in another month, please let me know. I had it insured. And, honey, your guess was wrong---it is not a tie presser. And your blouse was mailed later in September, and it seems as if that should reach you soon, too. Of course, they may have got mixed up with all the Xmas gifts that are being sent.

            All my best love and kisses to my own darling sweetheart. I can’t express how I miss my wonderful husband, and how lonely I am without you. I pray that you will be safe and well, and will return soon.

            I love you dearly, my sweetheart, with all my heart and soul.

                                                Your adoring and devoted wife,


Letter #3