
October 6, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dolly. Well dolly no precious letters today but I am sure hoping that some comes in tomorrow. Gosh Honey your precious letters mean so awful, awful much to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gee darling it just gives me the grandest feeling all over when I can get your precious letters. Won’t it be wonderful when we are back in each others arms dolly and won’t have to write letters any more. I sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dolly. Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so darn much and you know I always will sugar.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now. Well it has been a pretty nice day here Honey, not so awful hot and there is a real good breeze blowing now and that sure does help out. Sure hope you are having some nice weather now dearest. I expect you will be getting some pretty chilly weather now before long. Sure wish I was there to help keep you warm dear and surely I will be sometime this winter.

            Well Honey nothing new on coming home as yet. We are just hoping and praying now that everything will turn out all right. Gosh Honey I am sure sweating this out. I have been so darn nervous the past couple of months that I can’t sit still a minute and now I am worse than ever. It just seems like the time drags by and will never pass. I want to be in your precious arms so bad dearest that I don’t know what to do. It will be so awful, awful heavenly when we are back in each others arms and can really start our life together dearest.

            Well Honey this is Saturday night and gee we could be having so much fun if we was together dearest. If everything goes the way it should maybe we will be together ten or twelve Saturday nights from now, gee but I hope so dearest. Gosh Honey it is such a nice night here, not to awful hot and a swell breeze blowing. We could be out to the show tonight and then come by and eat someplace and go driving or anything like that we desired to do and then go home when we please and be right in each others arms all night, how heavenly it would be darling. We could sleep late in the morning and then when we awoke we could just lay there in each others arms until we were ready to get up and then get ready for church and have the rest of the day after church to do whatever we wanted to. Gosh Honey it will be so darn wonderful and we will be so awful, awful happy.

            Gosh Honey we have everything planned so perfect for our meeting and I sure hope it isn’t very long before we are fulfilling our plans dearest. Gosh darling I just think all the time about how wonderful it will all be. Just think how close together we will be from the very first minute on darling. Honey you said you had snaps on the front of your gown down to the waist so it will be real easy to get off. Boy Honey I’ll bet that robe and gown comes off in record time and I’ll bet my clothes do to dearest. Honey you want to be sure and have everything all ready to cause we sure won’t have any time to stop after we get together darling. We sure won’t have any use for our clothes after we once get in our room dearest. Gee darling it will be so darn wonderful being able to be together every minute of our time. Just think Honey we will dress together and be able to help each other in every way. Honey when I get you in my arms I’ll never let you out of my sight, no sir Honey, not for one minute. I’ll be right with you where ever you go darling. Honey we will be so darn happy and everything will be so wonderful.

            Honey you was saying you and Evelyn went to the show last Friday evening and then Ruth and you went Saturday evening. Gosh Honey I am sure glad you went both nights and I know those were both good pictures dear. Maybe it won’t be so awful long before I will be there to go with you dearest and we can go when ever we want to. Gosh Honey won’t it be heavenly to be able to go out once again and really be able to enjoy our selves. No matter where it is that we would go darling we would never enjoy ourselves as much as we would if we were together. Honey you said the other night when you walked home from Welborn the moon was so bright and you sure thought about when we used to hold each other in the moonlight. Boy Honey I sure think about that on those swell moonlight nights to. Maybe it won’t be so long before we will be doing that again dear and now as man and wife.

            Darling you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful much and you know I always will dolly. Gee darling we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Honey isn’t is wonderful to be married and to know that we can be right together from the very first minute on. Honey dear I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Darling please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dearest, miss you so awful, awful darn much but they will be together before long dearest. Honey you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dear.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now darling. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dearest. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.