November 16, 1943
Tuesday Night
My Darling,
but today has sure been a busy one for me and I’ve lost out on two weeks of
school so I’m panicky for fear. I’ll never be caught up. Did I tell you this term is going to be
really tough? For example, Nursing 416 is going to consume all of one’s spare
time and then some, for not only do we have daily assignments (I mean, thrice
weekly) but we have to prepare a “teaching project” on any subject matter. This
thing will be handed in at the end of the term and it requires a bit of
research. Tomorrow I’m going to make an appointment to go to U.C. Hosp. (d. 7)
to observe a Diabetic class. Incidentally, I chose the topic of “diabetes” for
my project, because even though I know very little about the disease, I think I
can alter the complications to suit my desires! In addition to creating
so-called “project”, we all have to teach (8 hrs), a Home Nursing Class at
University and construct and administer an examination! Honey, I’m really
suffering this term, you’ll never know! Had an awfully sweet letter from my
mother today, which I’m going to copy for you soon; it’s plain but so true –
she wrote is on Armistice Day.
Your sweet heart,
Lou x x