July 15th,
Saturday Morning
Dearest Ken;
addressing this letter I noticed that it was nearing another important date in
our lives—July 20th. In one respect it doesn’t seem that you’ve been
so far away for two years, while in other ways I sometimes feel like you’ve
been gone for twice as long as that. Mary, who lives next door with Dorris has been homesick for her
husband and he’s been gone only three weeks and a half! And she knows that he
is in Hawaii, which isn’t as far as you are. Well, such is life in the big
wanted to sleep this morning, but was wide awake at nine o’clock, so I finally
got out of bed and am going to start doing the hundred and one weekend tricks I
must perform. Leonna wants me to come over to her
house for the weekend, and if I can give Mrs. Bremeer
her hypodermic this morning and then another tomorrow night, I shall go to SF.
you write, be sure to tell me how Nancy is feeling; it is such a shame to be
ill so early in her career, don’t you think? When you mentioned she was a bit
difficult about it all, I must admit that I don’t understand just what you
mean. She may not feel like herself for quite some time and her husband must be
patient with her. As you have observed, women are sort of funny animals!
Lots of love,
Berna Lou