October 7, 1944


            Am late getting on my feet as I am writing this, I’m trying to drink a cup of coffee. Last Sat. I had a permanent and it took practically the whole day! Went to the Beauty Culture School and a student did the work and she was painfully slow. Only paid four dollars for it, so I shouldn’t complain as regular shops charge around ten, but I wish I had taken my lunch because I was there so long!

                Miss Amelia this weekend—she went home. On October 25th we have reservations to go to LA. While there we plan to look up Morelli and perhaps we can encourage him to go to Forest Lawn with us. We plan to make reservations to see the painting, “Last Supper” which I have seen before, but would be interested in viewing again. All this reminds me—when you return, we can get a car and a little gas, when we have time, when we have money and Darling, when we have each other. Let’s go over California with a fine tooth comb. I believe there are more interesting things to see in this one state alone than any. I have always wanted to see the Santa Barbara Mission. While in LA we hope to see Huntington Library, about which you have heard, I’m sure.

                Hurry home, Sweetheart, because you have lots to do—it’s fine that you’re getting a rest in Australia; enjoy it because—I’m warning you!!

                                                                                Lots of love,

                                                                                Berna Lou