Thurday eve.
Sept. 27th.
My dear Fran: -
I received your letter this morning stating you were coming on the 10th, this afternoon I got your telegram saying you were coming on the fifth so tomorrow I’ll call the Guest House and make reservations. I’m wondering whether or not you’re coming with Mrs. D. but I presume you are since she’s coming down on that date. Joe read me part of his letter today that you wrote to her and said you were coming on the 10th, she said you wrote a very nice letter and thought you were very intelligent she’d like very much to meet you. I hope you are coming down with her as the trip will be much easier and I’m sure you will be troubled by some G.I. Joe but you just put him in his place and he’ll leave you alone. Honey I want you to stay more than the week end since you’re taking off two weeks but as yet I haven’t found anything. You spoke about Mary spending the week end in Macon well since she only stays for the week end it isn’t too expensive but she stays at the Hotel Demspey (the best) and a double room cost about $5.00 or $6.00 so I don’t think we could afford that. If I don’t find something until you get here the two of us will scout around and see what we can find. Honey honestly I can’t wait to see you and I know you feel exactly the same way. You probably know what you’re doing but I hope you’re over that period. I’m sure if you come with Mrs. D. you won’t be nearly as lonesome and the four of us can have a lot of fun. Sunday we took pictures so I’ll have them by the time you arrive. We will probably take some more this week end. Its Norman’s film and someone else’s camera. If you have excess room you can bring your dads camera and you and I will take take a few snaps. Honey lights are out in the barracks so I’m setting on the hopper writing this letter. I just came back from the P.X. with Bob, we had a few beers. Our party went over very good last night but there wasn’t enough beer to last we only had 35 cases. We had a cold lunch with it including potatoe salad, cheese, bologna, potatoe chips, and fruit salad. Today we got up at 4:30 and went to Pickett range and fired the B.A.R. for record fire I got 32 out of a possible 35 so I done very good. I don’t know what we’ll be doing tomorrow but when I write tomorrow I’ll tell you all about it. Honey I’m like a little kid I can’t wait, I love you and I want you with me so don’t let anyone change your mind. I’ll see you in a few days so until then be good and remember I love you. Tell your folks and my friends I said hello.
With all my love,
Your honey.