Monday eve.

18 Mar. 46

My darling Fran:

            I wasn’t going to write again until I was assigned but I had the most wonderful thing happen to me today that I just have to write. Today was the first time I ever stood out in the cold and enjoyed it. We spent 1 ¾ hours having mail call and believe you me there certainly was a happy bunch of boys including yours truly. I received eight letters from my honey and one from mother. I can hardly express what those letters did to me but I’m sure you will realize after waiting about six weeks for a letter yourself. I hope you receive those letters I wrote previous to this because I gave them to a fellow who is coming back to the States on the same ship that brought us over here. The one letter (17 pages) was written those two weeks I spent on the boat, the other one was written the day after I landed in Japan, and the third was a letter I wrote in the States and forgot to mail. I really forgot what was in that last letter but since it was addressed and had the stamp on I sent it on. Those letters I received today were dated Feb. 7, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28, and Mar. 1st Well honey so much for the letters, just keep them coming. Tomorrow morning 10:30 A.M we leave for Tokyo where we will become assigned. Two boys from (Holabird, Pennsylvania)  that I went to school with and got over here before us was up to see us Sunday and from what they say everything is going to be fine. Two men work together and they have there own “jeep”, they are housed in a warm building with tile bath, eat at a table with a table cloth and dishes and are waited on by women. They are recognized as officers in civilian uniform and are allowed all the privileges of officers. I’d certainly like to be assigned on some island nearer home so I could have you with me. Preferably the Hawaiian Islands but I guess that’s asking for a little too much. But regardless of where I’m stationed it’s going to be a “good deal” by that I mean I’ll be independent and not have to take a lot of crap from higher ranking officers and I’ll also have good housing. In one of Bill’s letters his wife said she was going to call you so I’d keep in touch with her because she’s very nice I imagine because Bill is swell. Cookie is still with me, he’s writing his wife also. You asked me if they had children, no they haven’t. He and I are among the “few” that have no children. I’m certainly glad you are going out and not worrying yourself sick about me. Honey I don’t see that there was any thing wrong with your going out with Jane and the gang but honey PLEASE don’t cheat because I’ve been a very good boy and intend to stay just that way. I love you more than any thing in the world and I want you there waiting just as you were when I left you last. Please don’t worry about me finding someone else because I want only you, no other. There’s only one thing that runs through my mind continually and that’s getting back to you and the sooner the better. They do have movies here at this depot so tonight Cookie, Frank, & Fred, and myself went to see “Ziegfeld Follies” not so hot but very colorful. Oh one thing I forgot to mention we all receive corporal ratings and are suppose to step up a “stripe” every month. Dear I’m going to send home every penny I can so when you receive my money orders either get yourself something or deposit it in the bank. Well honey I will bring this letter to a close. I may not write tomorrow because I may be busy getting settled but I’ll write as soon as possible. Remember what I said honey be a good girl and write every day. Give my best regards to your mother & dad, Geo. & Blanch, and all our friends. Tell mother & dad I’ll write in a day or two. God Bless my darling and our families.

                                                                                                With all my love,

                                                                                                            Your honey.


            A million kisses & hugs even though you can’t enjoy them on paper.

            Please note new address.