
Aug. 26, 1945

Hello Precious:

            I got the most pleasant surprise last night which made me very happy, also made me have a pleasant night.

            I wrote you a letter last night and stated that I [went] to the movies and finished your letter after I came back from the movies. After I finished your letter I read the Stars and Stripes newspaper and was just about ready to return for the night. Here is where the surprise came. One of the boys who works on shift with me walked into my room and handed me four letters from you. Well you can imagine how happy and surprised I was, because I did not receive any mail from you at mail call and was hoping to receive some mail from you today. My wish was awarded last night and I really am happy to receive the four sweet letters. The boy told me that a batch of mail came in last night while I was at the movies. Darling that was a pleasant surprise and it made me have a very pleasant dream of you. I won’t write you about my dream. If I did, I know you would say “oh you are [a] naughty boy.” I sure enjoyed my dream, for I sure was having me a wonderful time with you. I will tell you about my dream when I come home and perhaps make my dream come true.

            The letters that I received form you are dated Aug. 12-13-17 and 18th. The two letters dated Aug. 12th and 13th were delayed somewhere on account of you having my old A.P.O number on them instead of A.P.O 446 which is my present address.

            Darling this is my last day at my present location of Erding, which also means that this will be my last letter to you from Germany and perhaps I won’t have the opportunity to write you again for about five or six days. It also means that it may be write sometime before I hear from you again. I am sure that you won’t mind it though over the fact that I will be making another step closer to you. This time darling it is going to be a long step of a matter of over a thousand or more miles. To tell you the truth darling, I am so happy about it, that I can hardly express myself in words. I believe I had better start on a different subject or I will go into day dreaming.

            How, I really am surprised at the mail service that I got on the last two letters from you. They are fast worked Aug. 18th and 20th and I received them on the evening of the 25th, so that is what I call good service. I wish that I got such good service on all of my mail.

            Baby, I want to remind you of something that you lose your bet and you owe me a kiss. One of your letters you have wrote that “I’ll bet you a kiss that you don’t see this,” just before you have sealed the letter up. I have fooled you, didn’t I? I believe that you owe me plenty of kisses now.

            Darling in most of your letters you remark how much you like my portrait and how proud you are of it. It sure makes me happy to know that you like it and that you are so proud of it, but how I do not know exactly how to reply in words, that you should not show off with it. As you state that you had it to the Rossville market with you showing it to one of your girlfriends, and everyone that you knew. I just don’t know how I reply to that in words. Anyway I am glad that you and the other people think that I look distinguished. That is more then I think.

            Darling, I am going to bring this letter to some end because I have a terrible headache for some reason or another. So please excuse me for this short letter. I will write to you again as soon as I have the opportunity to do so.

            Remember that I love you and you are always in my heart and I am always thinking of you.

Forever yours,

Love Frank.